born 1963 in Witten, Germany.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
1991 Meisterschülerin, Professor Fritz Schwegler, Kunstademie Düsseldorf, Germany.
1989 – 93 postgraduate studies /sculpture, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Prof. Fritz Schwegler
1988 Diploma, Fine Arts, University Kassel, Germany (fromer GhK)
1986 Internship, sculptor/ceramist Bernard Dejonghe, France.
1986 – 89 Fine arts studies, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
1986 Guest Student, University of the Arts, Berlin (UdK former HdK)
1983 – 86 Fine arts studies, University Kassel, ceramics with Prof. Ralf Busz and Young-Jae Lee.
1982 – 83 Internship, ceramic studio U. Becker, Wuppertal, Germany.
1982 Abitur, Albert Martmöller Gymansium, Witten, Germany.
since 1998 Lecturer, head of sculpture/ceramics, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany.
1994-98 teaching assignment sculpture/ceramics, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany.
1997-1998 Kunstsammlung NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany, development of several educational exhibitions in cooperation with Angela Wenzel.
and as guest lecturer/guest professor at the following institutions:
2021 Laboratory of Arts, Kolleg der Künste Montepulciano, Italy.
2020 Laboratory of Arts, Kolleg der Künste Montepulciano, Italy ( Online Format due to the pandemic)
2019 Laboratory of Arts, Kolleg der Künste Montepulciano, Italy.
2008/09 Henry and Natalie E. Freund grant ,Washington University, St. Louis, USA.
2008 Masterclass „Art on Site“, National Center for Contemporary Arts, Niszhny Novgorod, Russia.
2007 Newcastle-upon-Thyne University, UK.
2003 ArtesVisuais/EBA, Universitade Federal da Bahia, Salvador di Bahia, Brazil.
2003 Instituto do Artes do Pará, Belém, Brazil.
2003 Rhode Island School of Art and Design, Providence, USA.
2003 Kunstskolen I Rogaland, Stavanger, Norway.
2002 Rhode Island School of Art and Design, Providence, USA.
2002 Akademy of Fine Arts and Goethe Institut, Prague, Czech Republic, (Symposium „Excavating the Future“).
1999 Statens Kunstakademi Norge, Oslo, Norway.
1998 Kunstakademi i Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway.
1995 Kunstakademi i Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway.
2013 The David and Cindy Stanley Fellowship, Djerassi Foundation, Woodside, Californiea, USA (Artist-in-Residence).
2011 KWW-Kunst-Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
Stipend from the Cultural Ministery North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
2010 DEW award, Museum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund, Germany.
2008/09 Henry and Natalie E. Freund Grant, Washington University, St. Louis, USA.
2006 DaimlerChrysler-grant, Casa di Goethe, Rom, Italy.
2005 grant, International Research Center for Contemporary Art, Kyoto University, Japan.
2004 Villa Triunfo, Rio di Janeiro, Brazil, grant from Kunststiftung North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
2003 Stipend, Cultural Ministery North Rhine-Westphalia, Project at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, USA.
2002 Smack Mellon Studios, Artist-in-Residence, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
2002 Vordemberge-Award, City of Cologne, Germany.
2001 World Views, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Artist-residence, World Trade Center, New York (was planed to start November).
2001 Art Omi, Ghent, NY, USA (Artist-in-Residence).
2001 The Bemis Foundation of Contemporary Art, Omaha, USA, (grant from the John Anson Kittredge Educational Fund, Cambridge, USA).
2000 International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York, USA.
1999 Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas, USA (Artist-in-Residence), grant from the Cultural Ministery North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
1997 Award, GWK, Münster, Germany.
1992 Pépinières européennes grant, for Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
1990 DAAD grant, project in Italy.